Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Pesach of Y'ore

Mishna: a law suit that will be partially assisted by my father.
- (fr. Divrei Hayamim 022006: Sea Crest On The Ocean: Room --, Montauk: 3:47 pm)

Rab Everest said: A law suit – this means sexual intercourse, between the female & the male. Reb Colon said: The action of bringing a suit is a deed whose fundamental nature is one of a wound in words, seeking restitution both in action & word; Rabbi agreed: the marrow-aspect of the Law is that of Word Become Action. Regardless of the birth-gender of the sides involved in the action, it is an intercourse between male & female – one has been wounded, the other has been aggressor. Said Reb Hek ben Offal: Often, both claim equal status as Wounded; often the act of wounding reveals the same wound in the Aggressor, who then claims (often, although time-skewed, accurately,) the wound inflicted is the one he himself suffers. Rabbi asked: If man & woman are both wounded, how is this always an intercourse between the two and not in fact a failure to consummate intercourse? ‘The world finds silence when the death-cries of the righteous thunder’. To what can this be compared? To a woman in a tool-shed, seeking an awl at night. A cloud covers the moon and her hand grips a chisel. She must read the steel with her fingers, in order to see its shape. The task at hand relies on her inner light. Reb Alweiss responded: In the house she left a task incompleted. In the darkness she found a tool unformed. Two lights she bears, one left burning, the other forged within. One is male, the other not. Reb Solfer demanded: Is the not-male the woman? For ‘she is the bed, the source, the ground, which rests upon the cold shell of time.’ “The cold bed”: is this not the source of the awl itself? Rabbi said: from where do you find shell become bed? Solfer replied: the space of dreams has no outside. Rabbi answered: The inside of the heart is found outside it. Only the dead sleep inside a bed. Dreams are a shell whose roof has been torn aside. Rav Difile said: But what of the male and female? Does not the one roof the other? Are they not the two rooves of a home without a floor?

“A law suit that will be partially assisted by my father.” Rab Everest said: Partially assisted: this means a third party attends the intercourse, is never penetrated, and ushers both parties into the house of the righteous. Rev Madras said: “the house of the righteous”: from whence does this term for orgasm derive? Rab replied: the house of the orgasm is the house of progeny; the fundamental mitzvah is observed. Reb Silas said: From orgasm progeny do not always arrive. Rab again responded: Orgasm reveals the holy vine of black fire from which each is hung. Sometimes the fruit one bears is oneself. For in the eye of time a mirror is dark. And each to the other fulfilled the Name. Asked Rabbi Anschluss: And this third, to what named world does it respond? Added Rab Martinez: And could it be of a name at all?


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